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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    Instructions for payment of public revenues from abroad


    Parties from abroad can pay public revenues from abroad to the deposit account of Herzegbosnian County.

    All payments made to this account must be in Convertible Marks (KM) with the payment option „OUR“.

    When paying public revenues from abroad, it is mandatory to specify:

    Beneficiary’s bank details:
    Beneficiary bank: Raiffeisen bank d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina
    Address: Zmaja od Bosne b.b., Sarajevo, BiH

    Beneficiary details:
    Full beneficiary name: Ministarstvo financija HB županije
    IBAN: BA391610200033560061
    Full beneficiary address: Zvonimirova b.b., Tomislavgrad, BiH

    In addition to indicating adequate information about the beneficiary’s bank details and beneficiary details, it is necessary for the payer to indicate all other elements of the payment order on the payment order (ID number of the taxpayer, type of income, municipality code, budget organization number, and reference number, decision number etc.)

    Other elements of the payment order:
    ID number of the taxpayer: 4281097760008 (Ministry of finance of HB County)
    Type of income: 722221
    Municipality code: 055
    Budget organization number: 14030001
    Reference number: 0000000000

    The bank where the payment is made is required to enter the following data:

    In the SWIFT field:

    50: Payer’s name, payer’s address

    59: IBAN account to which payment is made: BA391610200033560061, Ministarstvo financija HB županije, Zvonimirova b.b., Tomislavgrad, BiH

    70: budget beneficiary: Kantonalni sud u Livnu, ID number of Ministry of finance 4281097760008, municipality code of the budget beneficiary to which the payment is made: 055, type of income: 722221, budget organization number: 14030001, reference number: 0000000000

    71A: OUR - the payer pays all costs (conversion, bank commission, etc.)


    Raiffeisen bank d.d. Sarajevo is obliged to:

    Process SWIFT and register the payment in convertible marks to the deposit account of Herzegbosnian County number: 1610200033560061 in the manner prescribed by the Rulebook for the payment of public revenues, taking care to see the initial payer on both the statement and the file.

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    Instructions for payment of public revenues from abroad


    Parties from abroad can pay public revenues from abroad to the deposit account of Herzegbosnian County.

    All payments made to this account must be in Convertible Marks (KM) with the payment option „OUR“.

    When paying public revenues from abroad, it is mandatory to specify:

    Beneficiary’s bank details:
    Beneficiary bank: Raiffeisen bank d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina
    Address: Zmaja od Bosne b.b., Sarajevo, BiH

    Beneficiary details:
    Full beneficiary name: Ministarstvo financija HB županije
    IBAN: BA391610200033560061
    Full beneficiary address: Zvonimirova b.b., Tomislavgrad, BiH

    In addition to indicating adequate information about the beneficiary’s bank details and beneficiary details, it is necessary for the payer to indicate all other elements of the payment order on the payment order (ID number of the taxpayer, type of income, municipality code, budget organization number, and reference number, decision number etc.)

    Other elements of the payment order:
    ID number of the taxpayer: 4281097760008 (Ministry of finance of HB County)
    Type of income: 722221
    Municipality code: 055
    Budget organization number: 14030001
    Reference number: 0000000000

    The bank where the payment is made is required to enter the following data:

    In the SWIFT field:

    50: Payer’s name, payer’s address

    59: IBAN account to which payment is made: BA391610200033560061, Ministarstvo financija HB županije, Zvonimirova b.b., Tomislavgrad, BiH

    70: budget beneficiary: Kantonalni sud u Livnu, ID number of Ministry of finance 4281097760008, municipality code of the budget beneficiary to which the payment is made: 055, type of income: 722221, budget organization number: 14030001, reference number: 0000000000

    71A: OUR - the payer pays all costs (conversion, bank commission, etc.)


    Raiffeisen bank d.d. Sarajevo is obliged to:

    Process SWIFT and register the payment in convertible marks to the deposit account of Herzegbosnian County number: 1610200033560061 in the manner prescribed by the Rulebook for the payment of public revenues, taking care to see the initial payer on both the statement and the file.