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Valuable computer equipment donated to Fra Miroslav Džaja Elementary School in Kupres
On Wednesday, 19th March 2025, in the premises of Cantonal Court in Livno, the President of the Court Jurica Babić and the Principal of Fra Miroslav Džaje Elementary School from Kupres signed...19.03.2025.Summary of the Cantonal Court in Livno operative report for 2024
The Cantonal Court in Livno is the highest instance of the judiciary in Canton 10. Under the jurisdiction of the Cantonal Court in Livno is the Municipal Court in Livno with its divisions in Tomislavgrad and Drvar.14.02.2025.Decision on the selection of the best bidder - maintenance of the fire extinguisher
Decision on the selection of the best bidder number 010-0-Su-25-000070 of 6th February 2025 - Direct agreement - maintenance of the fire extinguisher06.02.2025.
Unique Access Code (UAC)
Parties with the court proceeding pending before the court can get the receipt containing Unique access code (UAC) from the court administration officer presenting an identification document.01.07.2010.Legal Certificates
Since 2017, the Cantonal Court in Livno no longer issues the Certificate that no criminal proceedings are being conducted against natural or legal person. That Certificate is now issued by municipal courts or divisions of municipal courts.17.05.2010.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can I approach the judge in the proceedings?
It is not allowed to approach the judge who is judging your case without a summons or without the permission of the president of the court.24.08.2010.How can I get information about the case?
In the court registry (office number 211, on the second floor) are employees who have access to the CMS application. All proceedings in the Court are conducted through that application.24.08.2010.How can I come to an interview with the president of the court?
Parties who wish to be admitted to the president of the court must submit a written request stating the reason for admission to the president of the court, possibly indicating the number of the case or the names of the parties to whom...24.08.2010.
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Specific Questions
Instructions for payment of public revenues from abroad
Parties from abroad can pay public revenues from abroad to the deposit account of Herzegbosnian County.21.10.2024.How to fill out a payment order (payment slip)?
Filling out the payment order (payment slip) is prescribed by the Rulebook on the method of payment, allocation and distribution of public revenues in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number: 54/20, 55/20-corrigendum, 63/20, 88/20, 28/21, 56/21, 83/21, 1/22, 34/22, 57/22, 76/22, 93/22, 94/22, 10/23, 37/23, 81/23 and 23/24).07.07.2023.Recognition of foreign court decisions
The process of recognition of foreign court and foreign arbitration decisions is initiated by the proposal of an authorized entity (a party in the proceedings or its universal or singular successor)27.04.2015.
Judiciary News
18.03.2025.Pripremni sastanak o radu Panela za ujednačavanje sudske prakse
24.01.2025.Stavovi sudske prakse Bosne i Hercegovine
23.01.2025.Pravosuđe i mediji razgovarali o provedbi Smjernica za objavljivanje sudskih i tužilačkih odluka, akata i informacija o predmetima