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    Guidelines for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Judiciary


    The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its session held on 8th July 2016, adopted the Guidelines for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Judiciary.

    The Guidelines represent a series of recommendations and measures that should help the holders of judicial function understand conflicts of interest and recognize the risks posed by the simultaneous existence of public and private interests in the performance of their duties and which may lead to abuse of position or unlawful acquisition of benefits for themselves and/or for persons with related interests. The Guidelines also aim to encourage the development of awareness and responsibility of the holders of judicial function for the correct conduct in situations that may lead to conflicts of interest, both real and perceived.

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    Guidelines for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Judiciary


    The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its session held on 8th July 2016, adopted the Guidelines for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Judiciary.

    The Guidelines represent a series of recommendations and measures that should help the holders of judicial function understand conflicts of interest and recognize the risks posed by the simultaneous existence of public and private interests in the performance of their duties and which may lead to abuse of position or unlawful acquisition of benefits for themselves and/or for persons with related interests. The Guidelines also aim to encourage the development of awareness and responsibility of the holders of judicial function for the correct conduct in situations that may lead to conflicts of interest, both real and perceived.